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The gypsy in me has been awoken. Bought a van, Homey, (because it is also my home) and am traveling the states till the end of the year.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Still Catching Up ~ Venice Beach

Terri said we couldn't leave without seeing Venice Beach.
This is what we saw...

Ourselves, hehe.  (I liked the purple wall)

Some street performers.

A sword swallower

A fortune teller

The famous basketball courts

And more street performers.

It was a good time!

Still Catching Up ~ On the Road with Tammy

So now, after almost 2 months on the road alone, I pick up Tammy from LAX.  We have no plans so we stop here http://www.goodmicrobrew.com/  off of Sunset to figure out where we are going. 

This was my yummy lunch

We hung out in various parts of LA.  Got to see my good friend Terri Brand.  We have had pipe dreams of meeting for the past 9 years, and finally made it happen!  Such a blessing!

She's in the FBI!

Also got to see my friend Justin who just PCS'd from Kwaj.

Good times all around....

Still catching up ~ California

So, after my tattoos, I got to see Susan and Colby before I left Sac.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Sue Bear, but here's Colby....handsome as ever.

Then, made my way down California on the Coast.  What a ride! What an amazng view.  Spent a nite in Big Sur.  Loved every minute of it.  And Homey is FantastiK with all the curves and the mountains!

Cold Sand.  Weird.  So different than Kwaj.  It's odd to have to wear a jacket to the beach.

This is where Homey and I slept at Big Sur...

And this is the view from where we slept.

Then I made my way to Hearst Castle in San Simeon.  Silly me, forgot to take my camera in, so all the memories are internal for me.  And all I can provide is the link for you.  ;)

Then, found my way to LA and picked up Tammy. 

A new adventure started with my road trip buddy.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Finished the Tattoo, and got another one

So, after Utah, I made my way back to Sacramento, with a pitstop in Reno.  (short pitstop)

As I was finishing my 4th session of the coverup, I was telling Jan (my amazing tattoo artist) that I really liked mermaids.  And Jan being so awesome said he would draw me one.

So, two days later, I went back into the shop to find the most beautiful, unique mermaid I have ever seen.  So of course, I had to get it.

Another 8 hour session.

Lots of pain.

Lots and lots of pain.

The Shop

Jan at work

Afterwards, still smiling

Royal Peacock Tattoos in Midtown Sacramento.

If you are in the area, and want a tattoo, go to Jan Hill.


Utah Baby!

OK, Utah wasn't as bad as expected.  But the people there are freakin weird!

But, got to spend quality time with my Dad and Elisha!

(Look at my naked arm!)

Here WE are Working inside of Homey.  hehe

And his wife Elisha

And their dog Trooper (who I wanted to kidnap)

And they took me to a Brazillian Steakhouse for my Real Birthday.

Lots of meat on a stick

Bye Papa!  Miss you!

A month between blog entries isn't that long, Right????

Okay, so, it's all gonna be in a nutshell untill I can go back and elaborate and include pictures.

Left some beautiful people in  Boise.  It was sad saying goodbye to Holland.

But joined some more beautiful people in Utha (Utah-I know!)  Got to see my (American) dad and his wife Elisha.  Almost bought a dog, but came to my senses.

Then headed back to Sacramento to finish my tattoos with a pitstop in Reno (hehe)

Finally got to see Susan and Colby in Sac!

Finished my cover up and then got another one. 

Then drove down PCH.  Stopped and slept in Big Sur (a highlight!)

Stopped by Hearst Castle.

Drove to L.A.

Picked up my friend Tammy.  Drove all over L.A.

Got to meet my friend Terri (an FBI agent) in LA that I haven't seen since the Corps.

Tammy got to meet up with her friend from the Corps, also in L.A.

Homey got his first ticket =(      (parking)

Got to see a friend that just PCS'd from the island in Costa Mesa.

Made our way down to San Diego for a couple of days.  Checked out some casinos.  Met a new friend there.

Then back up to L.A. and VEGAS baby.

Spent a week there.  (sssshhhhhh)

Left Vegas, headed to the Grand Canyon, but it was CLOSED.  hehe.  Well, the skywalk we wanted to go on.

So, we headed to Laughlin (are you noticing a theme here?)

And then finally the Grand Canyon!  Woohoo! 

But, got there late, so we hung out in  Homey  until the next morning.

Got up, did laundry, took showers and FINALLY saw the Grand Canyon!  And it was well worth the trip.

Spent a whole 30-45 minutes there,  hehe (3 day adventure for 30 minutes)

Then off to Phoenix.  Was supposed to meet an old friend from the Corps, but he left for LA when we got in.  Finally got to see him last nite.

So, we filled our time by checking out the local attractions.  Saw the Mystery Castle. Kinda cool.

One more day here, then off to Albeq.....(can't spell it) NM.  Gonna check out a glass blowing studio of a friend's sister.  And maybe see some friends from the island.

OK, think I covered most of the last month.  Will come back to add pictures and fill in the gaps.
Homey says Hi.