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The gypsy in me has been awoken. Bought a van, Homey, (because it is also my home) and am traveling the states till the end of the year.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Started the day at 7 Virtues Coffee Shop.

Then headed to the Portland Art Museum.

But it wasn't opened yet, so we killed time at a wine bar.  Did some origami there.  My new friend Valerie made a cup for me to drink wine out of.  I made a fishy out of two 1 dollar bills.

Finally made our way to the Museum.  There was a neat exhibit of  illustrations of the bible.  http://specialexhibitions.pam.org/rcrumb/

Afterwards, stopped by an Irish pub, and then a Mediterranean Restaraunt.  Yummies!

Then I met a new friend and we went to Stripperoake.  You sing while strippers dance around you. Very interesting crowd.  There was even a trekkie there. 

Then off to Voodoo donuts for a late nite/early morning snack.

There was a young homeless guy who did magic tricks outside of the shop.

So, to recap,

irish pub,
mediterranean food,
stripper karaoke,
magic show,
bed.  Good nite Portland.

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